Cpt. Carnage™
Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 12.01.2006
- Страна
- US
- О себе
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1sHLxvaUP254bFw7_gIVXw Hey all, welcome to the recruiting grounds for Minions. We are building more solid players for TI. If you've been invited here, you've proven yourself to be a solid player and a cool person. Once we see how you mesh with the core team, you'll be added to the roster.
Main points.
1.) You must be above 18 years old. We're all old people.
2.) You MUST have Teamspeak and be active in TS regularly. It's how we communicate and coordinate.
3.) Final decision for permanent addition is made collectively by Serial, IMEI, Deadeye, Wolfcain and Ringo.
4.) Once you're in, we need you to stick around. Junkies is selective in its membership. We don't add just anyone. If you make it in, stick around.
Here is the download for TS: http://www.teamspeak.com/
Here is the MINION clan symbol: фYOURNAMEHEREф
Once in TS, stay in the фMINIONSф Subchannel unless invited into another channel. Remember, you won't be a minion long.
Also, use the correct clan symbol. It changes to uppercase once you are a full fledge member. If anyone from Junkies hits you up about why you are wearing the symbol, have them talk to Ringo.No information given.No information given.