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- Дата регистрации
- 08.01.2006
- О себе
- Best CS:GO MM Rank: Supreme Master First Class
-"If this world continues to reject me, then I will deny this world. This is a gift from me. The world's harmony and its regeneration. It will be a one-sided annihilation. I cannot allow anyone to be kept alive"- 黒魔導士
- That moment in Diablo 3 when you see a blue item and lose your mind while fighting arcane enchanted mobs on inferno difficulty then instantly die yelling "GIMME YOUR FAT LOOT"
-"Calculus is something that is hard" - Paul Young 2015
-"In heaven Moses came upon the five angels of divine punishment
Among them was Hasmed, Angel of Annihilation."
"For all the forces of creation in the heavens and earth there is but one undoer. To hear his voice is to know that you are deaf. To see is face is to know that you are blind. To feel his touch is to be no more"
-Simikiel, Angel of Vengeance
"Call his name and he shall come. Speak your words of betrayal and he will be at your side. Pierce the sword of vengeance into the hearts of thine enemies and you will gain retribution. But be warned, for vengeance carries a double edged sword. Do harm upon the undeserving and he shall bring his wrath upon you three fold"
-๖ۣۜCPK 腐敗の熾天使
Moving to college: 8/16/2014