youtube/c0dbuL 青春の幻影
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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 02.08.2005
- Страна
- BG
- О себе
- YOUTUBE my crosshair [drive.google.com]
kataki kokoro no ittetsu wa,
ishi ni ya no tatsu tameshi ari. Добре дошли! / Welcome!
My name is Alexander, 29, from Bulgaria.
CS:GO - GLOBAL on multiple accounts & FACEIT LVL 10
PUBG - MASTER / LONE SURVIVOR (Top 0.0004% world)
other games I've recently played include: Apex, Warzone, Black Squad, Dirty Bomb, Battlefield series, Paladins, DOTA 2, Team Fortress 2 & many others.
I upload skilled (and funny) highlights/matches to my YOUTUBE, as well as stream regularly on my TWITCH[www.twitch.tv]. Your support to me is invaluable and highly appreciated!!
Some links to playlists of mine:
CS:GO MM Highlights
CS:GO MM Full Matches
CS:GO Duo Queue Adventures with Belov
Black Squad
Dirty Bomb
Dirty Bomb Ranked Matches
Paladins Full Matches
Freestyle Football (R.I.P. game)
A small bit about me:
By my friends I am known as the one that can be relied on, trusted. Calm and supportive, yet in-game I can be harsh if there are lessons to be learned, for the greater good. I value honesty, integrity and camaraderie. I always speak my mind and am not afraid to say things that other people would rather not.
To my enemies I am known as the ragequit inducer, the self-esteem decimator. Thus even my random teammates usually grief me upon sensing their inferiority in comparison to me, whether I have hinted at it or not (and I don't in most cases, my mere presence is more than enough). My enemies immediately start playing like pussies and their whole gameplan starts to revolve around focusing me down.
Games I've been proficient in before:
Battlefield 2 (still active from time to time), BFBC2, BF3, BF4
Call of Duty 1, 2 & 4
Counter-Strike: Source
Day of Defeat: Source
Team Fortress 2
RTCW/Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
also played, albeit not QUITE as good: CS 1.6, HLDM, Quake 3/Live, UT2004, Red Orchestra 1&2 and many others. [/b]
Faceit[www.faceit.com]No information given.No information given.