

(Chad McBurlington)
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О себе
Wewcome to my pwofiwe!

I am a highwy skiwwed wank 3 Dead by Daywight (DbD) pwayew. If you have pwayed with me, you wiww know I am highwy skiwwed and maybe one day you can achieve my gweatness at this game Dead by Daywight (DbD).

As a pwofessionaw at this game, Dead by Daywight (DbD), I onwy pway it and nothing ewse, to make suwe my skiww wevew is at its best at aww times.

If I am kiwwew and facecamped you it is because of one of the fowwowing weasons

You used fwashwight in a toxic way (Bwinded me)

You pawwet stunned me when I picked up a suwvivow

You tea bagged against me

You cweansed my Devouw Hope totem

You finished gen in fwont of me befowe I couwd gwab you

You hook dived and youw teammate got away because of Bowwowed Time (BT)

You pway Bwendette

You wushed gen too fast

You awe using Object of Obsession (OoO), a vewy twoww pewk

As a suwvivow, I WIWW make suwe you wose with my high skiww if you:

Use Noone Escapes Death (NOED)

Stay within the hook mowe than ten seconds (I COUNT!!)

Camp a genewatow

Twy to 3-gen the Suwvivows (suwvs)

Pway the Spiwit

Pway Wwaith and uncwoak whiwe chasing

Hook someone in the basement as Weathewface

Use Iwidescent Hatchets as the Huntwess

You pway Ghostface and don't get weveawed when I am wooking at you (Hackew!!)

Find me when I am hiding even when I use Iwon Wiww

If you go back to hook aftew someone is wescued (G-O F-O-W G-E-N-S NOOB)

If you stick to these vewy simpwe wuwes of conduct in Dead by Daywight (DbD), evewyone wiww have much mowe fun and maybe one day you can become as skiwwed as me.

See you in the fog.
Head over to my stream, because its more fun than having herpes...

Whenever I'm streaming multiplayer games I'll look to draw from here first. Teabagging me in Goldeneye Source will get you modded and then immediately banned :)

Risky Click (Feeling Brave?)No information given.No information given.