- Дата регистрации
- 31.03.2005
- Страна
- US
- О себе
- Valve Corporation / Steam
Welcome to the unofficial Star Citizen Steam Group
Current Game Versions
Live: 4.0.2
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Star Citizen is an early access space simulator video game for the PC. Using the power of Amazon's Lumberyard Engine, it consists of a persistent world massively multiplayer taking place in the Stanton star system. Future releases will include mining, bounty hunting, farming and more. In addition to this, a single-player campaign game titled Squadron 42 will lead players through the life of a military pilot in the United Earth Empire.
Star Citizen and Squadron 42 are being developed by Chris Roberts' Cloud Imperium Games, founded in 2011. Roberts' previous works include games such as Wing Commander, Privateer and Freelancer.
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Star Citizen Website[robertsspaceindustries.com]
Star Citizen Spectrum[robertsspaceindustries.com]
Squadron 42 Website[robertsspaceindustries.com]
Services Status Page[status.robertsspaceindustries.com]
Performance Telemetry Page[www.robertsspaceindustries.com]No information given.No information given.