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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 13.02.2005
- Страна
- GB
- О себе
- Devil is in the details, see section 1 for more information.Shutup & Game is a gaming clan that was initally established on June 26th, 2013.
Shut up & Game was set out to be a mature gaming community where you, amongst gamers from all over the world will be enabled to play in an enjoyable & respectful environment in both the U.S. & Europe without having your gaming experience inturrupted by troublesome players. Playing in Shut up & Game servers would provide you with an experience like no other, as we to, are gamers looking for a place to kick back & have fun.
Overall, the life that SNG had lived was a lively one, and an amazing one. It had players flowing in from all around the world, friendships were being made frequenetly, and it was an awesome place to be. But SNG made some turns for the wrong, and some issues evolved. These issues caused SNG to shut down around a year later after it initially opened. This was a very hard thing to do, but it was for the best. Although, at the end of the journey, many close friendships were made. Gamers from around the world were able to come together, make friends, and simply - game. We hope that these friendships last for a long time to come, and as well as many of you got something positive out of Shutup & Game.
Thank you all for your support that you gave, maybe one day something good will arise from SNG once again.. and also everyone, don't forget to Shutup & Game!
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