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- Дата регистрации
- 04.02.2005
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'Spleen'.When the low heavy sky weighs like a lid
Upon the spirit aching for the light,
And all the wide horizon's line is hid
By a black day sadder than any night;
When the changed earth is but a dungeon dank
Where batlike Hope goes blindly fluttering
And, striking wall and roof and mouldered plank,
Bruises his tender head and timid wing;
When like grim prison-bars stretch down the thin,
Straight, rigid pillars of the endless rain,
And the dumb throngs of infamous spiders spin
Their meshes in the caverns of the brain;
Suddenly, bells leap forth into the air,
Hurling a hideous uproar to the sky
As 'twere a band of homeless spirits who fare
Through the strange heavens, wailing stubbornly.
And hearses, without drum or instrument,
File slowly through my soul; crushed, sorrowful,
Weeps Hope, and Grief, fierce and omnipotent,
Plants his black banner on my drooping skull.
Yes, I can explain the concept of what a "Wussy" is quite easily.
If you say things like "waiting for your ur reply", you're communicating like a Wussy.
If you don't know what a Wussy is, you probably are one.
Guys who aren't Wussies know what a "Wussy" is because they usually MAKE FUN OF THEM a lot.
I know, I know... I'm being harsh.
This is out of control.
You know, you really suck!!Hey all first off thank you for joining DEATH OR NO GLORY [dong] Was the first TFC clan I joined back in 01-02, and so for the legacy of [dong] iv made this group for all steam games feel free to invite all your friends, enjoy relax and feel free to pick a player of the week.. so in Rememberence of clan, [dong] - 4life, now The Legend lives on. miss you guys GG your bro 4life [dong]Si|entSam_eh.cB sammeh!! 0,o
Hayabusa bikes Rocks Baby w00t watch the avi
-\/-down there-\/-
http://www.tfcgaschamber.com/No information given.No information given.