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О себе

Welcome to the community. We are focused on bringing you the best experience you can have while staying with us. We have very few services to offer at the moment, but feel free to stick around and keep yourself informed and updated on what the community has planned going into the future.

Server Information Below!

There are a few things you might want to know about us and the community.

Q: How did you and the other admins meet?
A: Oddly enough, they were random players from the Rust server, just like you.

Q: How can I become admin?
A: There isn't an application if that's what you're wondering. I hand select the ones that I feel I can trust enough to bestow the power onto.

Q: In the Rust servers, is there a rule again raiding or griefing?
A: No there isn't. While there are still rules on certain things as spamming, racist remarks and sexual harrassment, raiding and griefing is part of the game.

Q: What do you have planned for the future of the community?
A: The community first started out as just a business plan so I could go back to college and futher my degree and have something to do in the spare time. However, since I've been playing and reliving the life of PC gaming. I've come to enjoy it more than I used to. Although YouTube and Twitch have pretty much died down for me. I don't constantly feel the need to play.

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I'm sure we can find the answers for you!

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