Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 15.10.2004
- Страна
- KP
- О себе
- real koreaThe criminal US imperialist would do well act with discretion and abandon their mad pipe dream of invading Korea, lest they suffer another humiliating defeat at the hands of the invincible Korean People's Army under the flawless leadership of Dear Leader Comrade Generalissimo Kim Jong Il the peerlessly great brilliant general of Songun. We invite all progressive-minded people to leave the "America"-occupied "Republic of Korea" group and join the real Korean Steam group in our struggle against the imperialist hawkish warmongering aggressors "Obama" and "Hillary".
The criminal crazy imperialist warmongering "Barack Hussein Obama" is the most cravenly coward leader in the world hiding inside a school when his country is under the CIA plot inside job attack of righteous world anger against the US imperialist controlled demolition on 9 September 2001, but in contrast Dear Leader Comrade Generalissimo Kim Jong Il the brilliant statesman, political genuis, prodigious humanist, and invincible military commander is the bravest most courageous leader in the world leading invincible Juche Korea toward the ever-victorious path of Songun Politics which are the lifeblood of the Korean people and the yearning of all world progressives.
Our goals are.
- Steam denys DPRK existence, we are here to change that.
- Show the reality of the DPR Korea to the world
- Defend the independence and socialist construction in the DPR of Korea
- Learn from the culture and history of the Korean People
- Work for the peaceful unification of the Korean peninsula
Only few people in the world know that Korea is divided by a big concrete wall in the Parallel 38 that was built by the United States of America when the Korean War finished.This wall is hundreds of times bigger than the one that existed in Germany and is separating the Korean families, brothers, parents... the nation is divided because the U.S.A. is dominating the southern part and keeps an army of more than 40.000 soldiers to avoid the union of the Korean people.
Korea is an independent and sovereign state, but the South is still controlled by the
imperialist interests and the U.S. troops .If any South Korean citizen tries to visit North Korea crossing the big concrete wall, he'll be killed by the american soldiers. The 'Security Law' in South Korea forbides to any South Korean citizen to talk or read about the North or else he'll be punished with jail or even death penalty.
사나운 폭풍도 쳐몰아내고
신념을 안겨준 김정일동지
당신이 없으면 우리도 없고,
당신이 없으면 조국도 없다!
미래도 희망도 다 맡아주는
민족의 운명인 김정일동지
당신이 없으면 우리도 없고,
당신이 없으면 조국도 없다!
세상이 열백번 변한다해도
인민은 믿는다 김정일동지
당신이 없으면 우리도 없고,
당신이 없으면 조국도 없다!
아…… 우리의 김정일동지
당신이 없으면 조국도 없다!
이것은 공식적인 북한 한국어 그룹입니다.
누구의 원인에 충성하는 모든 해당 그룹에 가입.
우리가 서쪽을 파괴 도움말
우리는 승리할 것입니다.
모두가 훌륭한 지도자를 제공해야합니다.
긴 한국 만세!
우리는 세계를 지배할 것이다!
서방 세계가 우리를 막을 수 없습니다.
우리가 막을 수없는 힘이 우리가 미국을 보여줄 준비가되었습니다.
우리는 전 세계의 공산주의를 전파 것이다!
Tour Korea
Glorious Anthem.
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