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О себе
No information given.Broken Arrow Company
Highly organised tactical gameplay

Who are we?

Broken Arrow Company currently has one-hundred members, we are all highly organized and well communicated. When we run an op, every member is expected to call out targets and engage them accordingly. Broken Arrow Company will not zerg a position and will only grab armor to provide cover to the infantry advance. As a member, you will be expected to adapt to this play style and work accordingly to assure the outfit’s victory in combat.

Who do we want?

Everyone, from Newbie Nick, to Average Anna and Pro Paul. If you’re a level-headed player that is able to follow orders and willing to be a part of this outfit, WE WANT YOU!

Broken Arrow requires you to to be able to get the objective in the way that we ask you. Pull Harassers to pick off enemy stragglers, provide air cover and saturation bombing from either Liberators or Mossies, perform a high altitude MAX crash on a tech plant or stealth your way into an AMP station with GSD’s.

We do not have any age limit, if you’re twelve and able to follow orders in a good way, you’re better to us than a 40 year old who wants to farm Zurvan Amp Station all day long. English is a requirement though, orders are given over Voice Comms and Teamspeak and we appreciate our members ability to understand them in order to follow them.No information given.No information given.