- Дата регистрации
- 22.06.2004
- Страна
- FR
- О себе
- At least, it's easier to save the world in video games.
I-Volve - Game Design Consulting [www.i-volve.net] / QA Testing / Playtesting
“It’s not that I have something to hide. I have nothing I want you to see.” - Anon (2018)
"Quite an experience to live in fear, isn’t it? That’s what it is to be a slave." - Blade Runner (1982)
Think and live your life, don't spend your time just "earning" it.
Utopia is to believe that we can live indefinitely as we do, on a planet that has its limits.
Other site: Infos Actu [www.infosactu.com] - French articles (once in a blue moon) on video games among other stuff.
My playtime on TF2 isn't accurate, 95%+ = idling. Same for BDO to a lesser extent, and hundreds of games due to cards Idling (many i never launched).
Tous les mercredi, a 21h sur Twitch
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