:( J3tty_Genius

:( J3tty_Genius

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No information given.So basically...you all love me >_< and love to CS. It's an addicting, stressful game yet we still play; and with no drama or hacks. Scrim all night is usually the thing to do; since there's nothing better to do at times.

Sorry for those guy's out there who can't handle the fact that they get owned by a female here n there. Give it up....your just bad and don't need to talk down on girls, you should try to get one in real life.

For those girls who cannot stand other female cs players; get over yourselves and stop being an e-whore! As stated bout guys...you should get yourself a mann!!!

If you an immature little fuck who just comes on to be a prick and have nothing better to do...Get a LIFE buddy =]

KthnxBye =D

<3 LinNo information given.No information given.