|PHX| n e o
(Da chosen one 😎🔥)
Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 29.04.2004
- О себе
- Christmas Gameplay Compilation! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FX-UHsoQgF0 🎅🎄⛄
🍻🍻🍻Less salterino moar pizzarino :D 🍻🍻🍻
" C u n t h o l e i o " - Stubbs, 2023. (I know u love me :P)
"You are **the** vibe <333" - Anonia, 2022. (Don't get jelly there's enough for everyone ;D u know who u are lmfaooo)
my migrane is probably because of you" - Bella, 2022
"I've never seen you play properly, I've only seen you play toxicly." - Lululikes.tv, 2021 LMAO :D
"You're an autistic beta with anime profile pic rage commenting on my profile because you lost to my worst killer. Stay mad." - Super Alpha Dud, 2018.
I play DBD. A ton! :D Best game evarrrr.
If you're here I either:
1. Made you salty.
2. Saved yo ass from certain doom (campers sigh)
3. Trolled around in game with ya!
Feel free to leave a comment rating my awesome survivor skillz 360noscopeggnore ;) SEE YA IN DA FOG! <3
Hooked peepz:
AngryPUG (rekt)
TallerToast (Don't count this sorry excuse of a player as worthy of being here but I guess some people are fans of his. R E K T ;D! <333)
Old about me:
CS:GO / Dota 2 / Left 4 dead 2
If you wanna lose in any of them hit me up! :D hahah
The Teamwork Movement (TWM) is not a clan, it's an open group of players that anyone can join, as long as they're interested in utilizing teamwork while gaming. TWM participants are encouraged, but not required, to add <TWM> to the end of their name and play on TWM endorsed servers. By adding TWM to the end of your name you're easily recognizable by other TWM participants, so they can engage in teamwork with you; and by playing on TWM endorsed servers you are much more likely to encounter other TWM participants, and have the best gaming experience as a result.
While we encourage TWM members to engage in teamwork regardless of what server they play on, we maintain a list of recommended servers which TWM players frequent. By playing on TWM endorsed servers you are much more likely to play with other TWM participants, resulting in the best gaming experience possible. All TWM endorsed servers go through a rigorous approval process that ensures they are lag-free, popular and well administered. You can find the most up to date list of TWM endorsed servers at the following link:
In addition to the endorsed server list we regularly use the Steam event system to send out notifications of TWM events. Several times throughout the day we'll issue an event alert with a TWM endorsed server's IP, by joining in on those games you get to join a server filled entirely with TWM players -- you'll experience teamwork like you've never experienced before.
So, to recap, all you need to do is (all of these are optional):
- Add <TWM> to the end of your name.
- Play on TWM endorsed servers so you can easily find other teamwork oriented players. The IP for TWM endorsed servers can be found at the "TWM Endorsed Server List" link below.
- Engage in teamwork whenever possible!
Frag on!
No information given.No information given.