Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 21.09.2003
- Страна
- BG
- О себе
- My Automated Full Set Trading Cards Bot
I'm kicked from almost every bulgarian steam group ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Before adding me as friend please don't forgget to write the relevant reason as comment in my comment section or else i might ignore you!Welcome to My Group! My name is Sam, i am a Buyer/Reseller, who is constantly Buying/Selling Knifes/Skins via Real Money.I started trading about 3 years ago, i made this group because i wanted to Buy/Resell Knifes/Items via Real Money. Here you can post about trade,also you can sell or buy knives/skins/keys. Join to my group ,if you want to know more about the trade :)
Profile status:
Profile Privacy: Public.
Trade Ban: None.
VAC Ban: None.
Community Ban: None.
Joined Steam: 2003-09-21
Steam Level: 154
ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ Rules for the Group :
1).Do not advertise sites or links without permission from the group officers.
2).No personal attacks, we do not want any fights spoiling the banter.
3).Do not disrespect the group officer´s decisions, it is at the sole discretion of the group officers to manage the chat and comments to maintain a fair trading environment. If you disagree with a group officer's decision, please speak with the officer in a respectful manner. Harassment or being vulgar/rude will only make it worse for you.
Admin = Me
Moderators = Friends from real life (which literally means they're a vip in my group ^_^)
No information given.No information given.