Naval Action

Naval Action

Steam Store

Разработчик: Bermuda Computer Club

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Адмирал Джон Бинг, который провел всю жизнь под парусом за Британский Флот, был убит в 1757 году от пуль на палубе HMS Монарх. Адмирал Горацио Нельсон, продолжая выполнять свой важнейший долг, пал похожим образом от пули французского мушкета в 1805

Теперь Ваша очередь выйти в море и ворваться в Эпоху Парусников

Но наверное будет разумным  подойти к этому вопросу с должной осторожностью: практиковаться в маневрах и боях как завещал Суворов и Ушаков, развивать свой скилл и свой корабль и устанавливать дружеские связи с друзьями и союзниками. Тогда вы сможете командовать лучшими кораблями: крушить своих врагов, гоня их перед собой, и слушая нытье их подруг в глобальном чате.

Навал Экшн – это лучшая и самая красивая игра про парусники. Именно поэтому Валв назвал игру лучшим релизом из раннего доступа 2019 года.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, japanese, korean, russian, simplified chinese, spanish - latin america

Системные требования


  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС *: 64 bit Windows 7 and above
  • Процессор: Intel Core i5-4570 3.2 GHz or AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 B60 3.3 GHz
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 460 1GB or AMD Radeon HD 6850 1GB (must support shader 5 model)
  • DirectX: версии 11
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 2 GB
  • Дополнительно: 32bit OS versions is not supported
  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС *: 64 bit Windows 7 and above
  • Процессор: Intel Core i7-3770 3.4 GHz or AMD FX-9370 4.4 GHz
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 660 2GB or AMD Radeon HD 7850 2GB (must support shader 5 model)
  • DirectX: версии 11
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 2 GB
  • Дополнительно: 32bit OS versions is not supported





          Отзывы пользователей

          Не рекомендую 01.03.2025 23:52
          0 0

          It's not good

          Время в игре: 1712 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 01.03.2025 02:09
          3 0

          The game looks like it would be awesome but, new players will be relentlessly hunted and destroyed by much higher level people, and there is simply nothing that you can do about it. the developers have designed the game, in a way, that rewards people for being jerks. this ruins the enjoyment for new players. and therefor will just inevitable cause the game to die in time. and by the looks of it, it is well on its way to this fate.

          Время в игре: 235 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 28.02.2025 08:35
          3 0

          Game Devs are morons

          Game goes free to play.
          New players cant join the regular servers just the seasonal one.
          Hmmmm why does no one play on the regular server anymore.
          Delete the main server.
          Imagine spending 1k+ hours on this game just for it to get deleted.

          Время в игре: 80221 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 26.02.2025 20:10
          6 0

          Most autistic game devs in the history of gaming. The original devs should be banned from ever being able to develop and create video games again in this market. Way to destroy a game with so much possibility.

          Время в игре: 297357 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 25.02.2025 23:38
          1 0

          not easy to learn but super fun will take all day to do anything so dont think u will be on and off like other games

          Время в игре: 72254 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 25.02.2025 16:33
          2 0

          one of the best naval simulation games

          Время в игре: 4326 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 25.02.2025 07:39
          0 0

          Excited to see where BCC take the game. Already pointed things the community has been complaining about for years. No more wipes will be the first major step into giving this game life again. I miss the days of 1000s of ships roaming the seas. People not having all their hard work destroyed any longer will make a world of difference.

          For those complaining about pay wall etc. Learn the game and you'll quickly realize once you are set up and on your feet, most certainly if you are with a good clan, you will have the ability to fuel your pvp/pve desires. The issue prior was the game has grind (which i love personally) and your loses matter mostly. With your work being reserved you can easily build up the ability to support yourself and absorb those blows EVEN without DLC ships. DLC ships save you time and nothing more.

          Also note: Those DLC ships still need to be fitted, upgraded, booked, etc so it's not as simple as buying a ship and now you are OP. You still need to be successful at the rest of the game to paint that picture.

          So BCC Thank you for giving this game a chance at life again. I for one will be looking forward to giving this game a solid go again. I've missed good age of sail combat.

          EDIT: Yeah this game is a lost cause. Sad to see it go but it's time. Can't recommend after playing the new update on the test server. It's an absolute joke.

          Время в игре: 61594 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 24.02.2025 14:13
          8 0

          I bought this game when it was pay to play. Back then you could get some ships and help from the community. Then the devs did a reset of the servers and lost a good bunch of players.
          Then they added one durability to the ships. It made PvP more of a risk.

          Since the devs fucked over the playerbase they needed more money. So they added DLC ships. They didnt sell enough, so they made shipbuildning more annoying. Now i saw the DLC page, and half of the ships you could build is now DLC ships that you can get for free. Wont be suprised if they make all ships like that soon.

          So unless you pay a ton of money for extra ships, or are unemployed and ready to spend a full time on this game dont bother.

          I wouldnt recomend supporting developers who behave like this either.

          Время в игре: 36246 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 17.02.2025 09:32
          9 0

          It was very good, But it is crap now, Don,t Buy it
          Thanks to the crapist devs ever.

          Время в игре: 459282 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 08.02.2025 10:44
          7 0

          It could be such a great game. Good job developers! :(

          Время в игре: 208685 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 04.02.2025 19:36
          0 2

          Great game lots of potential a gem in this genre it just needs cheaper dlcs,a easyer way for smaler groups or even single players that put 24/24h per day into the game to at least set up an atack on enemy ports,a tool to measure distances and pinpoint locations on the map in open world in case someone needs to call for reinforcments if atacked or iniciated atack on enemys in open world like for example triangulation from known ports with course and distance or latitude and longitude,an easyer way to switch between servers once in game instead of exiting the game just to switch servers or to check whats the population on each server,more nations maybe india or italy or something else,bigger map like worldwide map,fixing the godamn wind going in circles:) and thats all imo call me crazy but the game is great recomend 9/10

          Время в игре: 67385 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 02.02.2025 15:05
          3 0

          bought it back then for 30 bucks. Now it is for free...

          Время в игре: 1098 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 29.01.2025 04:11
          0 0

          Can't recommend the game in its current state. It's just too much of a grind and there isn't enough support for it to be worth it.

          The actual ship combat is pretty fun in the beginning. It is a fun challenge to try and sink other ships. I have no idea if it is historically accurate but the wind actually really matters and you can spend a lot of time just trying to get in position. The ship models are also pretty cool. At times you do genuinely feel like an admiral.

          But those times are fleeting. The rest of the game is a slow, confusing grind. And, once you reach a certain tier of ship, it becomes nearly impossible to advance. You cannot really board and take a ship that's bigger than a 4th rate without a ship of that size or a lot of experience in the game. I for one am not an experienced player, so the idea of capturing ships to advance in the game is just fanciful.

          And if you decide that you want to just build the ships, that's impossible (practically speaking; we're talking hundreds of hours solo) just to get one of the bigger and cooler ships. Instead, you need to join a clan and get help. But the big clans are all very cliquey, and aside from that there just isn't even enough players to actually be able to accomplish anything. And even if you did, there's a dizzying amount of resources and systems that don't even make sense.

          So, you're practically locked in at the smaller ships, unless you pay these outrageous DLC prices. Seriously; it's over $60 for a digital ship model!

          It's really a shame. I played this game several years ago and remembered it being more fun. But now, it's a dead game.

          Время в игре: 5650 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 27.01.2025 19:52
          0 0

          waste of time. they deleting factions so u get fewer choices and usa is gone

          Время в игре: 78752 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 23.01.2025 20:02
          0 0

          is just as good as Russian roads... which is to say terrible.

          Время в игре: 3025 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 13.01.2025 22:37
          15 0

          Naval Action was once a brilliant game, but it’s now plagued by technical issues and poor support. It’s heartbreaking to see a game fall apart like this. Until these problems are resolved, I cannot recommend it to anyone.

          Время в игре: 20480 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 07.01.2025 13:35
          1 0

          its kinda fun and really the only game of its type but its simply a dead game. cant really recommend it for this reason

          Время в игре: 13980 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 02.01.2025 08:35
          0 0

          great game, great people

          Время в игре: 41415 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 01.01.2025 22:24
          2 0

          Change of roadmap i hope! Back in the game! NEW OWNER! LETS GO.. please listen to the players

          Время в игре: 22182 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 31.12.2024 16:29
          0 0

          Not unless you know someone who plays, not a beginner friendly game. you got Virgins with Alt accounts watching Nations main ports looking for new players to slay as soon as they leave. Devs are actually really bad these days. dont do anything to timescale when given and mostly dont give timescales for important info the player base actually wants. Slowly dying game think most ive seen on is 280 players and about 30% of that figure is alt accounts 5% new players trying the game other 65% are long term old school players. The Alt Accounts and Devs are killing the game. so unless you have friends and a clan ready to set up in id prolly avoid this game

          Время в игре: 45521 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 31.12.2024 16:14
          0 0

          The developers murdered this game like the Menendez brothers murdered their parents.

          Время в игре: 638 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 28.12.2024 21:41
          0 0

          Look i love the idea of a sail game but here my biggest gripe the game takes a while to get good at let alone master. the major part of the players well have been around for some time. not meaning its impossible but it does factor in to making the game harder now the tutorial used to give u a really good and useful reward repair and a light frigate and the level needed to crew it. now what i feel they did over the years is smaller ships are now useless to any sort of pvp cause big ships are as fast as frigates got more guns and hp and thickness (the more thick your hull is the harder it is to pen from angels and impossible for small 6pd 9pd guns aka 7th or 6th rated ships. now i understand that big ships are cool but my problem is if you don't got one your useless in any meaningful pvp and not just port battles but even open world fights is makes me sad that 1 its a skill game for new players to overcome and 2 a if you don't got a clan or alts you can never really do much. but also if you like frigates or smaller ships well i guess thought luck get bigger and the majority of ships in the game are 5th rate aka frigates we got we got 8 7th rates (minus the yacht) 13 6th rates / 18 5th rates / 8 4th rates / 6 3rd rates / 4 2nd rates 5 1st rates. so in the total of the game we got 62 ships (not including the yacht) in 47/62 ships are 4th rate and under and 15/62 are 3rd to 1st (ships of the line) 4th rates are like the USS constitution 54 guns like a frigate or 64 not really ships of the line whit in this time were 74 guns + which are 3rd rate and up. now the point i am making is if your not in the big ships you are well outclassed but WAIT THERE IS MORE ships are not the only factor guns + modules are in affect but i do have to say insurance is nice to have now a days it balances the dlc ships power of 1 every day for free and dlc's well you can pay 77.99 Canadian dollars and get 1 1st rate ship of the line. i can get sea of thieves for that or call of duty or gta 5 like 2 or 3 times for that so back to canons and modules for the uninformed or news you got normal guns like basic medium or basic cannonades or long guns to but hey you want a long gun whit more damage and better spread well here are really rare navy guns that are like 10x the price of the normal ones and only clans can afford and don't get me started on modules like mods that's give you speed like 1 or 2 % there cheap like 20k reals or less now you can get mods that are better and good but cost 2 mill. now i love the idea of better mods cost more but this is 20 to 2 million is a big jump and in the games economy you can buy a ok ship like 2+ times for that much. so again makes the noobs well have less skill and get less good gear cause most the time its the top 10% of players that can afford those mods or clans pay for em to there top players again i know you can say its progression but tell me would a clan but navy guns to there best to there noobs no they would not but we can agree its a touchy thing here also port battle or RVR well if you got 100 players that want to participate on 1 team well then you got to select the top ones and say better luck next time to the others. so then again be good or be out of the fun so how fun for bob 1 month in got decent at the game and wanted to feel a cool important fight so what i got to say the game feels like be good or get lost witch it ok if you want to stay at 200 players and be small and one day the game will fade to forgotten. if y'all want that be my guest i am just a player that remembers the days of 1000 players online on alpha and port battles being a nation effort in the scene of trying to intercept the battle fleet before it got the port and fought to capture it we would try and stop it in the ocean as it made its way to port so yes you can make a game for you and 300 of the players that play but just be aware games do die or get forgotten, and i would hate to loose a game that brought me joy and friends over the years i miss having noobs and seeing then grow and become good and better than you sometimes it was refreshing now its feels like stale water not moving and getting more and more hard to shake up and make new things happen. now that i said 20% of what i could or want to say ill leave here on the note of thanks to the devs for trying thanks the the community for making a amazing RVR scene over the years and i only wish that i can see this game thrive again not just on making the game lost its soul. But on cool things that makes us feel like were nelson on HMS victory or captain luck jack on the HMS surprise or any of your sail captain icons. now god speed and may the seas be kind to you fellow captains.

          Время в игре: 80192 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 27.12.2024 02:04
          0 0

          I used to enjoy this game but it looks like the developers are trying to kill it by making it non-user-friendly. Much hype about 'special events', but when you get there, quests are unrealistic/impossible for lower-level players.

          Время в игре: 62396 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 10.12.2024 08:05
          1 0

          Something different to do everyday, good friendly community

          Время в игре: 2128 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 28.11.2024 21:04
          2 1

          I really appreciate the realism in this game. I am like Nelson, dying on the journey home because it takes so long to do anything. They should rename this game: Naval Inaction.

          Время в игре: 343 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 27.11.2024 20:57
          1 0

          Very good game, but very bad developers, that's why it urgently needs a savior. Very fun and challenging, and even if I had to get used to the constant changes, sometimes even stupid ones, I still like it :)

          Время в игре: 102000 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 23.11.2024 07:51
          1 0

          I used to love playing this game a few years ago but i stopped now im back after a few years and put simply its bad. The once player driven trading and economy is dead and from my understanding its from a change the devs made a while back. The accuracy system now feels more like RNG ive seen some of my cannon shots fly out of the boundary the game gives you. Cant find hardly anything in most ports. The game looks nice and still plays pretty similar despite the accuracy changes. but by god its a pain in the ass to get started and without a clan its gonna be almost impossible to get to the late game ships. Which also used to be not a problem before. You didnt need a clan to get them but now you do.

          Время в игре: 46976 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 18.11.2024 22:38
          0 0

          Nearly a dead game but its fun if your just discovering this game sorry but you cant enjoy long term cari wipes every six months and the other servers are locked for people who bought it before it was free.

          Время в игре: 23979 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 10.11.2024 20:06
          6 0

          This is a game that felt like it had captured lightning in a bottle, but has suffered from a developer that's just pushed it further and further toward being a no-lifer unfun timesink of an MMO.

          Critique of that course saw said developer chimp out, chastise his own community and outright just ban people for constructive criticism.

          I don't much care how the game is now, there's no point playing a title they killed long ago. Just look at the Steam Charts.

          Время в игре: 21622 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 25.10.2024 06:49
          5 0

          Once this was one of my favorite games.

          The only reason i would recommend it is if you want a game where you can sail around with a beautiful ship and enjoy the views, since this game has quite nice graphics.

          The only other possible reason i would recommend this game is if you would like a pretty realistic age of sail battle simulation - and you also have a friend who also likes the age of sail and wants to play with you, since the PVE is not that interesting. I mean it's kind of interesting the first times, but after a while - the bots behave in a very similar pattern every time, depending on whether it's a trading ship, or a warship, and at some point the PVE battles get kind of the same.

          I personally enjoyed trading and sailing around, couple of years ago - back when frequent trading was actually possible.
          Many months ago - the developer released an update which, as far as i understand it - made it so in most ports - there are things you can buy only if other players have previously sold them there, and only very small number of ports produce goods you can buy. The problem with that idea is that there are not enough players to trade so that this system can work, but the devs never reverted back to the old system, even though there were a lot of people complaining about it in the steam discussions.
          The result and the current situation is that - you enter a port and there is nothing to buy, you enter the next port and there is nothing to buy, you enter the next port and there are like 20 things to buy, - you fill your ship with like two types of goods and sail to a somewhat far away port, but still reasonably close and sell them. In that port there is nothing to buy, so you sail to the next one and nothing, then the next - and nothing, then the next, and the next, and the next - and still nothing - and at some point when you have wasted like like an hour and 15 minutes searching for a port where you can buy at least one thing - you start losing your sanity a little bit and you start questioning yourself - why am i wasting my time with this game that has a developer that seems uninterested in making the game better for the players by listening to the player feedback in the discussions on steam and on the forums.

          Now the dev has released some updates that have improved the game, like the recent updates that gave you the ability to rename your ship, which makes it easier to differentiate ships that are the same type but have some detailed properties and characteristics that are different.
          Or the update that gave you the ability to insure your ship for a day.
          Or the addition of the new gameplay mechanic - ship races, where players try to individually complete a course for the shortest amount of time.
          But the core of the game is the most important thing and this currently needs serious fixing.

          And there are also other areas where the dev kind of shows a lack of interest in making the game more accessible to new players or players in general - like the lack of information. In this game there are quite a lot of mechanics and items and upgrades, which are very loosely explained, and it's not very clear exactly what they do, so you have to search a topic where some player has asked the veteran players what that item does exactly, and they explained it to him. And sometimes, even the veteran players don't agree on what an item does exactly. There is no wiki for the game which contains detailed information about all the items, or all the ships, or exactly how all the mechanics work. There are some wiki's for the game, one fandom and one official wiki, but none of them has detailed information about the things i listed. They both have information about some of the items, or some information about the mechanics, or some information about most or all ships but that information is often not updated with the game updates so some of the stats there are wrong.
          I would think that a dev who is interested in his game would have the passion to write a lot of these things, since they are the only one who actually know them, since they made them, and i would think - they would want to make the game as much interesting and easy to access for all new players as possible, but for some reason that doesn't seem to be the case here, unfortunately.


          Now i know that the dev said that they are currently working on a big update that would change many of the mechanics of the game, and i am very interesting in seeing how the game would be when this update is released, but unfortunately for me - the dev doesn't publish a lot information on the progress or their plans. There was like one post long ago after the original announcement, and that's it, which is unfortunate for me, since i'm very interested in the idea of this game being improved, since once, not that long ago - this game was very dear to my heart, and i very much wish for it to be playable and interesting again.

          (Also another thing i have to point our about the battle system. The battle system is very realistic, but there is one aspect of it which was very important in the real life age of sail, and which is missing from this game - in this game you cannot control the raising or folding of each individual sail - the game works on a percentage system which raises or folds a certain percentage of all the sails together, even though visually some sails gets raised first while other stay folded - gameplay wise - the ship doesn't react as if those specific sails shown to be raised or folded are raised or folded - but like some percent of all the sails are raised or folded, in other words no matter how exactly the individual sails are shown - the ship practically just raises it's speed by a certain percentage, without changing it'd direction of sail, as it would be in real life, or again in other words - the raised and folded sails are just visuals, the percentage of raised sails is what has influence on the gameplay.

          Now there are other detailed sail controls which this game does have, and which give you the ability to change the direction of the ship by changing the configuration of the sails - and that is done in this game (as in real life) by changing the sails orientation relative to the wind direction. And this mechanic does add a nice aspect of realism to the simulation of sailing an age of sail ship.)

          (I currently have very negative feelings towards this game, precisely because i loved it so much and i really, really wish that it was actually playable for a player who likes mostly sailing and trading like me, like it was, not that long time ago. I also sometimes fight with the bot ships, since that is now the only way to acquire items to sell and make a profit, but as i said earlier - that gets quite repetitive very fast.
          And also i'm greatly anticipating for this new big update, and i'm really hoping that it improves the game enough so that it's at least playable in some way.)

          Время в игре: 16791 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 21.10.2024 01:42
          1 0

          The game feels very dead. And there are not many ways to make money in order to get better ships in order to do more missions.

          Время в игре: 949 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 20.10.2024 01:15
          2 0

          I have spent more than 375.1 hours in this game, it was a good game like one year ago, where the boarding system and economy let you take the control of the seas, now it's almost imposble board any ship succesfully 9 of 10 times you are going to lose, even the events most of the times are the same, so if you ask to me, don't buy this game, is not worth anymore!

          Время в игре: 22506 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 15.10.2024 23:50
          1 0

          Not worth your time or energy.

          Время в игре: 24 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 12.10.2024 17:34
          17 2

          2600 hours of game play but! .... all in the past as the devs have ruined the game with their changes since i bought it , five of us bought it and played as a clan helping each other to sink larger fleets and destroy ports, then the developers began making changes , not just to the mechanics but adding a pvp server to appease the kids who wish to gank newbs for their megre money and supplies.

          my friends and i agree the game a couple of years ago maybe up to 2022 was a beautiful game to look at , the combat was fair if you learned a set of tactics that worked for each type of ship , gathering resources with trade ships would keep you amused for hours, gaining skills in port to be able to build top grade ships was a meaningful grind , then {and i do hope and pray a developer reads this} the pillocks who were supposedly developing the game took away the ability for a small clan to run a port , they took away the ability to build ships of worth , they took away the reason for attacking traders, they took away the ability to have a fair fight , in other words they ruined the hell out of what WAS a good fun and visually beautiful game.
          its such a shame what they have done to this game , i remember on the peace server logging in during a special weekend promotion on rare ship spawns and seeing 300 plus people at any one time and 50 plus battles going on all hours of the day , i looked today and there was 15 people on world wide, pfff the absolute idiots who run this game need taking for a walk off the plank for absolute incompetence in the face of duty, they even deleted one of my built ships sitting in a port idle , they never gave me the due insurance for sunk ships ,,, it was not worth the hassle to report it because when you did report anything in the last year ,,,they simply ignored you. may the devs gonads go square and gangrenous at the corners for being fools.

          please dont buy it now its been ruined

          Время в игре: 160286 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 06.10.2024 18:28
          2 0

          if you like being ganked by several players in ships 3x ur size, left with no coarse of action but to just sit there and sink, this is the game for you.. player pop of 20 with a huge map but still told to go pve if i don't like being ganked.. such a great game and community. lol game will soon be completely dead, not because its a bad game, but because of the toxic players that are left.

          Время в игре: 9285 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 06.10.2024 16:28
          0 0

          It's really a good game lots of fun

          Время в игре: 2839 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 06.10.2024 10:53
          1 0

          The game is really, really cool. The progression is not.

          Время в игре: 6162 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 06.10.2024 02:29
          3 1

          Even free it's a ripoff

          Время в игре: 338 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 06.10.2024 02:00
          8 0

          Free isn't a good enough price for this game, they should unironically have to pay players to touch this game. Shit game, made by a weird unhinged homophobic control freak dev that responds to criticisms with extreme aggression and defensiveness. New players just get stomped out immediately.

          I imagine the recent good reviews are probably not real.

          Время в игре: 462 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 04.10.2024 10:01
          2 0

          These devs ruined a perfect game ~ Do not even waste your time.
          Go to hell Gamelabs.

          Время в игре: 23690 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 02.10.2024 20:40
          1 1

          Game has a brilliant premise but the combat is too hard and complicated for new players.. New players like myself will only run with a game if they can pick it up quickly as they go.. I played 6 hours and my Basic ship was sunk 3 times.. Maybe if i stuck at it i might get the hang of it, so why should i put in another 60 hours when i can play other games and have fun.. I don't want a slog..

          Время в игре: 8825 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 02.10.2024 12:51
          0 0

          shit game

          Время в игре: 2400 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 30.09.2024 02:51
          0 0


          Время в игре: 3127 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 23.09.2024 15:20
          0 0

          Strong beginning, now abandoned.

          And with almost 400k copies sold (Almost $9 MILLION revenue), you think they would've gave the game a music soundtrack at all lmao. Instead you are met with actual silence as you traverse the ocean for hours upon hours.

          Game-Labs are constantly demonstrating their laziness and greed with their lack of gaf. They would rather sell the best ship in the game as a DLC for $60 to make a quick dollar (no one is playing enough to actually earn those ships anymore) than add content and improve their game.

          One of the developer's responded to complaints about the lack of music and said:
          "Ink: Unfortunately there are no plans to add music at this stage. music is very hard to make right due to diverse of taste"

          Why is it that every other major release game has an OST despite everyone having different tastes? Should all games just opt out of getting (paying for) a soundtrack because a portion of players will chose to mute the OST and play their own music anyways? You make a soundtrack so that players have the OPTION to enjoy original music specifically tailored and produced for your game. This game not having any music at all just gives the perpetual mark of an unfinished early access game, and honestly contributes a lot to this game feeling like it has no soul.

          Время в игре: 14592 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 15.09.2024 21:42
          0 0

          Too bad the game is dying.It is the only game that gives you true age of sail experience.

          Время в игре: 2077 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 06.09.2024 21:37
          0 0

          Ships well done, and nicely detailed, with lots of different ships, a really nice, historic "world," with detailed mechanics. I haven't found a better historic sailing sim. I also like the economy, trading/crafting, which I'd never done before.

          I prefer the "Peace" server, for the free trade, and the ability to fight only when you want. You will have to fight the NPC ships for some permits and blueprints. The peace server also has events where you can PVP.

          I've been playing since it was in development, and I don't remember if I paid or donated when it officially launched, but it was free when I started, and I've bought a lot of DLC since it launched. The DLC ships are good, and you can get a new one 24 hours after redeem/build, in case it gets sunk. I consider them, and the DLC perks well worth their cost.

          I dislike the inability to instance sail outside of combat, and how limited the dock space for your fleet is. 35 slots isn't enough to maintain the trading and fighting fleets I want. Wish it was more obvious when my ship is on fire, I have a talent for getting them burned to the waterline.

          Время в игре: 228646 ч. Куплено в Steam Получено бесплатно
          Не рекомендую 01.09.2024 05:35
          5 0

          Until they bring back the ability to buy the full version of the game that doesn't delete itself; the community will remain dead. 10 active players on war server? what is the point anymore? i dont want to play a game that takes away my progress nevermind have the game i PAID FOR become completely irrelevant. You should have left the "paid for" servers available to be purchased, because its virtually impossible to bring friends into the version of the game i actually want to play. Player base has been bitching for yrs and these devs just ignore it? I dont know a single player that wouldnt love to see the game return to its former glory. This aint it.

          Время в игре: 57969 ч. Куплено в Steam

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